Welcome to the demo version of Wall Street Quest™.
In this demonstration version:
Printing, saving, and downloading have been disabled.
There are fewer scripts and example files.
The Apple Guide files have not been included.
What’s New in 1.2
Buy/Sell Triggers and System Testing
A new Trading System dialog is available from the Chart menu. This dialog lets you set entry and exit criteria for taking long and short positions in a stock. Clicking the Test button will apply the criteria to the document’s data and report the number of trades and amount of profit or loss resulting from following that system.
In the Price chart, long positions are indicated by price symbols in green and short positions by price symbols in red.
Boolean Operators
Besides the four arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) Quest now has a full set of Boolean operators: & | ! > ≥ < ≤ (and, or, not, greater than, greater than or equal, less than, less than or equal).
Wall Street Quest is priced at $149 and comes with a 90-page User Manual.
To order the full version please use the faxable order form provided or call:
619-654-3355 to place your order by phone. All major credit cards accepted.
Thank you for downloading the Wall Street Quest Demo!
Wall Street Quest is a trademark of Jintek. Apple, Macintosh, and AppleScript are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
This demo may be freely distributed as long as no files from the archive are removed.